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Desde 2006 a ILUMNA distribui os livros da holandesa Van Haren Publishing, especializada em melhores práticas.

Os títulos com maior volume de vendas são:

Introdução ao ITIL® The Key to managing IT Services

Introdução ao ITIL® é um livro único que abrange todos os volumes e componentes do núcleo do ITIL. Complementando os complexos livros do ITIL como literatura introdutória eficiente e didática. Este livro foi oficialmente revisado pelo IPESC (itSMF Publications Executive Sub Committee) e pelo OGC (Office of Government Commerce).
Esta introdução ao Gerenciamento de Serviços em TI publicado pelo TSO tem como base uma publicação previamente editada pela Van Haren Publishing em nome do itSMF dos Países Baixos.

Nesta nova edição contêm capítulos adicionais que contemplam os mais recentes livros do ITIL®: ICT Infrastructure Management, Application Management, Planning to Implement Service Management e The Business Perspective.

Foundations of IT Service Management based on ITIL V3

The Official itSMF Handbook on ITIL® upgraded to reflect ITIL V3
This new title looks at Best Practices described in the ITIL V3 upgrade. Focusing on the Lifecycle approach, this new publication covers the following steps in detail:
• Service Strategy
• Service Design
• Service Operation
• Service Transition
• Continual Service Improvement

Foundations of IT Service Management based on ITIL has become the industry classic guide on the topic of ITIL. Over the years this authoritative itSMF guide has earned its place on the bookshelves and in the briefcases of industry experts as they implement best practices within their organizations.

This 2007 version has now been upgraded to reflect ITIL V3. Written in the same concise way and covering all the facts, readers will find that this title succinctly covers the key aspects of the ITIL V3 upgrade.

The new ITIL V3 approach covering the ITIL Lifecycle is fully covered. In addition those who are familiar with the Version 2 process approach will be delighted to discover that this new edition of Foundations of IT Service Management based on ITIL V3 has split out all the processes and describes them in detail. This means that it is easy for all readers to access and grasp the process concepts that are so pivotal to many service management day-to-day operations.

This title covers the following:

ISO/IEC 20000 An Introduction

ISO/IEC20000 is the Certification for organizations within the IT Service Management environment. It reflects the increasing desire to have a certification that moves beyond the individual employee. The goal of this Introduction is to provide an easy to read document that explains the nature, content and aim of ISO 20000. It should bring ISO 20000 within reach of a vast international audience at a higher speed, by providing an easy accessible Introduction:

• to promote the awareness and the acceptability of ISO 20000 as a valid standard for IT Services organisations;
• to support ISO 20000 training and certification;
• to produce a detailed guide to the core content of ISO 20000, for practitioners.
‘ ISO 20000: An Introduction’ is aimed at a broad range of practitioners, trainers and students, who work in IT as well as in other environments, ranging from experienced experts in (IT) service organisations, to those who are looking for a suitable approach to quality improvement issues.

"I reviewed the final draft and once again, impressed with the content quality! I'm sure it will be a popular book! " Review by: Silvia Prickel, Managing Director, Service Management, United Airlines

" Good job. I look forward to using this book in classes in the future. " Review by: Bryan Shoe, Process Catalyst Solutions LLC., and member of the EXIN ISO/IEC 20000 development team

"This book is a great introduction to ISO/IEC 2000, which includes the wording of the full ISO/IEC 20000 and an overall background on the concepts of quality and related standards and frameworks. It explains and relates all the components of ISO/IEC 20000 in a way that is easy to understand. This book will be very helpful in our upcoming ISO/IEC 20000 courses."
Review by: Gabriel Arreguin Global Lynx Mexico"

Implementing ISO/IEC 20000 Certification – The Roadmap

A sister guide to the hugely successful Official itSMF ‘Introduction to ISO/IEC 20000’ book, readers will find that this book becomes a key asset in delivering a practical, down to earth implementation program.
ISO/IEC 20000 is the corporate standard for achieving quality within IT Service Management. As individuals achieve success in Service Management frameworks such as ITIL®, many organizations have identified the benefits of making the jump to full corporate accreditation. But, having made the decision to invest in this standard, what is the best way to implement adoption in an efficient and successful way?
This thorough, practical guide has been put together by real experts with real experience of how ISO/IEC 20000 works in the workplace and in the real world.

Part A of this title covers the step by step description of the ISO 20000 implementation process.
Part B contains real case studies from organizations who have successfully achieved ISO/IEC accreditation.

This Official itSMF guide is unique in that it not only describes the implementation process. It also suggests solutions to common problems and set-backs. An understanding of the many business pressures means that practical guidance on the business case, measuring success (or not), or the need for quick wins are all included in this book, making it an invaluable companion for all those working on an implementation project.

